China responds to U.S. threat of imposing additional tariffs

(Xinhua)07:34, June 28, 2019

BEIJING, June 27 (Xinhua) — China on Thursday responded to U.S. recent threat to impose additional tariffs on Chinese products, urging the U.S. side to heed the voices of resistance to unilateralism, protectionism and bullying from the international community.

Foreign Ministry spokesperson Geng Shuang made the response at a daily news briefing in Beijing.

According to media reports, in an interview on Wednesday, U.S. President Donald Trump said the U.S. and China had exchanged views over economic and trade issues over the past few days. The two sides may come to an agreement at the upcoming Group of 20 summit to be held in Osaka in Japan, otherwise the U.S. will impose additional tariffs on China.

Geng said China always believes that trade frictions between the two countries should be settled via dialogue and consultation, and at the same time China will firmly defend its legitimate rights and interests.

The Chinese people will not be scared by U.S. threat of additional tariffs and also will not succumb to suppression, Geng said.

Id like to tell the U.S. side once again that waging trade wars and ramping up tariffs do harm to others while jeopardizing itself, and such moves will in no way solve the problems, Geng said, urging the U.S. to listen to voices of opposition to trade wars and additional tariffs from its within, including various groups and the general public, and the voices of resistance to unilateralism, protectionism and bullying from the international community.

He said China hoped the U.S. side can meet the Chinese side halfway, and accomodate each others concerns and seek win-win results on the basis of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit.

This goes in line with the interests of the two countries and peoples, and is a widespread expectation of the international community, Geng said.

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