G20 members vow to address disturbances in education amid COVID-19 pandemic

(Xinhua)08:29, June 28, 2020

RIYADH, June 27 (Xinhua) — The Group of 20 (G20) members vowed on Saturday to address disturbances in education and training caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The G20 education ministers held a virtual meeting and stressed commitment to working towards stronger and more innovative approaches to build resilience in educational systems and improve teaching and learning, the Saudi G20 presidency said in a statement.

The education officials said that the measures implemented to contain the rapid spread of the virus have significantly altered education and many other facets of life.

Prolonged closures of educational institutions have affected teachers, educators, students, and their families worldwide, including in developing and less developed countries, where education systems have faced additional challenges in coping with the pandemic.

The G20 members have been holding frequent meetings to address various aspects of the global impacts of COVID-19 to promote collaboration to address them.

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