Chinese researchers release rapeseed gene transcriptome database

(Xinhua)14:36, August 04, 2020

A gene transcriptome database, consisting of reference transcripts from over 100,000 rapeseed genes, was released by Chinese researchers, according to the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS).

A research team from the Oil Crops Research Institute under the CAAS has decoded the transcription information of the rapeseed genome and constructed a landscape of the whole transcriptome of rapeseed genes with an advanced sequencing technique and its self-developed bioinformatics tools.

Containing about 1.2 billion bases and over 100,000 genes, the rapeseed genome lacked a reference transcriptome database owing to the technical restrictions previously, which restricted the research on the functional genes of rapeseed, said the team.

The database is expected to strengthen the understanding of the rapeseed transcriptome and be applied for further functional genomic research, according to the study published in The Plant Journal.

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