FIS World Cup director Pertile impressed with Beijing Olympics preparation

(Xinhua)10:05, November 27, 2020

WARSAW, Nov. 26 (Xinhua) — The director of the ski jumping FIS World Cup Sandro Pertile was impressed with the preparation work of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games, praising China for building the best ski jump hills in the Olympic Games history.

In my opinion, they are the most impressive Olympic ski jump hills in history, with full facilities. When you climb to the top of the inrun tower, the views are amazing. They have already installed plastic mattings, all systems. Only jumps have not been performed there yet, Pertile said in an interview with Przeglad Sportowy on Wednesday.

Two weeks ago, Pertile visited China to check the preparation for the Olympic Games 2022 in Beijing.

Located some 200km northwest of Beijing, Zhangjiakou will host all snowboarding, freestyle skiing, cross-country skiing, ski jumping, Nordic combined and biathlon competitions at the Winter Olympics.

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