Chinese virus slur fails to shift blame away from U.S. govt survey

(Xinhua)15:17, September 18, 2020

WASHINGTON, Sept. 18 (Xinhua) — The U.S. government has failed to shift blame away from itself for its failure in handling the COVID-19 pandemic by frequently using the phrase Chinese virus, The Washington Post reported Wednesday, citing a recent survey.

The survey, covering a sample of 1,500 U.S. residents, was conducted in late June, shortly after the United States reported 2.5 million confirmed COVID-19 cases and 120,000 deaths, according to the report.

The respondents were asked to read a brief description of the pandemic. Some read a version in which the coronavirus was called COVID-19, while for others, it was called the Chinese virus.

Surprisingly, the use of the term Chinese virus prompted more respondents to blame Trump for the pandemic, said the report.

Those exposed to the phrase Chinese virus were more likely to echo the blame that the current U.S. administration failed to take the pandemic seriously enough, according to the survey.

The survey also showed that even conservatives responded to the phrase Chinese virus by blaming the U.S. administration more often.

By using Chinese virus, the U.S. government tries to avoid blame for the pandemic by redirecting anger toward China.

However, it failed to shift blame away from itself, according to the survey.

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