Majority of Germans support current COVID-19 measures survey

(Xinhua)09:12, September 18, 2020

BERLIN, Sept. 17 (Xinhua) — Sixty-nine percent of German citizens consider the current COVID-19 measures just right, according to a Politbarometer survey published by the German public broadcaster ZDF on Thursday.

Only 11 percent described the current measures as exaggerated, while 18 percent wanted health measures to be stricter, according to the survey of more than 1,200 German citizens.

On Thursday, COVID-19 infections in Germany rose by 2,194, the highest single-day jump since late April. The total number of confirmed cases reached 265,857, while the nationwide death toll increased by three to 9,371, according to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI).

According to the Politbarometer survey, 61 percent of Germans believe that the number of COVID-19 infections would increase significantly in the near future, while 34 percent did not expect an increase.

The COVID-19 pandemic dominates the political agenda in Germany and ranks as the countrys most important problem with 56 percent of the respondents, followed by the issue of refugees and asylum policy with 35 percent, the survey found.

After the Moria refugee camp on the Greek island of Lesbos was destroyed by a major fire last week, Germany vowed to take in 1,553 asylum-seekers (408 families) from there entitled to protection, the government said on Tuesday.

While 43 percent of Germans thought that their country should definitely take in a larger number of refugees from the Greek islands, 46 percent said that Germany should receive more refugees only if other European countries also participated, according to the survey.

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