Snack bar in Beijing uses clever way to offer free supper to people in need

(Peoples Daily Online)17:44, December 09, 2020

Recently a special notice with the message posted above the door of a snack bar near Sanyuan Bridge, in Chaoyang district of Beijing, has warmed the hearts of many people. (Photo/Beijing Evening News)

Recently a special notice with the message posted above the door of a snack bar near Sanyuan Bridge, in Chaoyang district of Beijing, has warmed the hearts of many people.

The diner, De Shun Zhai, offers a large bowl of beef noodles to people in need, and came up with the secret code of 鈥渟et meal A鈥?for the free meal in a bid to protect the dignity of its special customers.

The heartwarming story began last October, when a plainly dressed young man frequently came to the small restaurant to collect the leftovers on tables and eat them silently in a corner. After finishing the food he would wash the tableware in the kitchen of the diner, disclosed Ma Zongxian, a young man in charge of the snack bar.

鈥淲e offered him steamed stuffed buns, but he wouldn鈥檛 take them. He said leftovers were good enough for him,鈥?Ma said.

The diner, De Shun Zhai, offers a large bowl of beef noodles to people in need, and came up with the secret code of 鈥渟et meal A鈥?for the free meal in a bid to protect the dignity of its special customers.(Photo/Beijing Evening News)

As the weather got colder, Ma and the owner of the restaurant decided to provide free supper in a clever way, which is worth 22 yuan (about $3.36), for people facing times of difficulty.

It鈥檚 hoped that the hot beef noodles can make people who are suffering feel warm and help them get through their period of difficulty with courage, Ma noted.

There has only been one person who ordered the special set meal since the notice was put up at the end of last October. Instead, countless people have been touched by the warm notice and offered to contribute to the free meal service to help people in need.

The snack bar appreciates such gracious offers, Ma said, explaining that since beef noodles don鈥檛 cost much, and that there haven鈥檛 been many people who have come to order the free set meal, the restaurant can bear the cost on its own.

Many Internet users have applauded the diner for the heartwarming service, while some said they want to do something to help continue passing the kindness.

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