Chinas plateau province sees new energy lead electricity generation

(Xinhua)16:47, March 08, 2021


XINING, March 8 (Xinhua) — The total power generation of northwest Chinas Qinghai Province hit about 6.55 billion kilowatt-hours (kWh) in February, with more than 40 percent from new energy, the provinces new biggest source of electricity, local authorities said.

It is the provinces first time to see power from new energy exceed that generated by hydropower in a single month. Qinghais previous biggest power source, hydropower, generated around 2.3 billion kWh, following the 2.63 billion kWh created by new energy during the same period, according to the State Grid Qinghai Electric Power Company.

The change marks the provinces march toward a new development stage of its new energy resources, as Qinghai becomes Chinas first province to see new energy represent its biggest source of monthly electricity generation, the company said.

Qinghai is known for its rich water, solar and wind power resources. In 2020, clean energy generation accounted for 89 percent of the provinces total power generation.

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