Tens of thousands of wild birds overwinter in NW Chinas Qinghai

(Peoples Daily Online)13:47, December 04, 2020

Tens of thousands of wild birds overwinter in Dulan Lake National Wetland Park, Chaidamu Basin, northwest Chinas Qinghai Province. (Chinanews.com/Guo Qutai)

Tens of thousands of wild birds, such as big swans, Eurasian coots, and brown-headed gulls, overwinter in Dulan Lake National Wetland Park, Chaidamu Basin, northwest Chinas Qinghai Province, showing all the vitality during the season.

Dulan Lake National Wetland Park is located in Wulan County, Haixi Mongol and Tibetan autonomous prefecture, Qinghai province, 2,937 meters above sea level.

Tens of thousands of wild birds overwinter in Dulan Lake National Wetland Park, Chaidamu Basin, northwest Chinas Qinghai Province. (Chinanews.com/Guo Qutai)

With abundant water and lush grass, it is an ideal habitat for wild animals. Black-necked cranes, goitered gazelles and many other key state protective animals thrive here, forming a unique landscape of animals and plants.

In the management and protection station, different birds can be seen all year round, with different beauties throughout the four seasons, said Huo Deyun, a caretaker at the Dulan Lake National Wetland Park.

Tens of thousands of wild birds overwinter in Dulan Lake National Wetland Park, Chaidamu Basin, northwest Chinas Qinghai Province. (Chinanews.com/Guo Qutai)

Huo added that at the end of November this year, winter migratory birds flew into the park one after another. Now there have been 35 big swans and tens of thousands of ruddy shelducks. Due to changes in the ecological environment, there have been a rising number of birds in the park.

Snack bar in Beijing uses clever way to offer free supper to people in need

(Peoples Daily Online)17:44, December 09, 2020

Recently a special notice with the message posted above the door of a snack bar near Sanyuan Bridge, in Chaoyang district of Beijing, has warmed the hearts of many people. (Photo/Beijing Evening News)

Recently a special notice with the message posted above the door of a snack bar near Sanyuan Bridge, in Chaoyang district of Beijing, has warmed the hearts of many people.

The diner, De Shun Zhai, offers a large bowl of beef noodles to people in need, and came up with the secret code of 鈥渟et meal A鈥?for the free meal in a bid to protect the dignity of its special customers.

The heartwarming story began last October, when a plainly dressed young man frequently came to the small restaurant to collect the leftovers on tables and eat them silently in a corner. After finishing the food he would wash the tableware in the kitchen of the diner, disclosed Ma Zongxian, a young man in charge of the snack bar.

鈥淲e offered him steamed stuffed buns, but he wouldn鈥檛 take them. He said leftovers were good enough for him,鈥?Ma said.

The diner, De Shun Zhai, offers a large bowl of beef noodles to people in need, and came up with the secret code of 鈥渟et meal A鈥?for the free meal in a bid to protect the dignity of its special customers.(Photo/Beijing Evening News)

As the weather got colder, Ma and the owner of the restaurant decided to provide free supper in a clever way, which is worth 22 yuan (about $3.36), for people facing times of difficulty.

It鈥檚 hoped that the hot beef noodles can make people who are suffering feel warm and help them get through their period of difficulty with courage, Ma noted.

There has only been one person who ordered the special set meal since the notice was put up at the end of last October. Instead, countless people have been touched by the warm notice and offered to contribute to the free meal service to help people in need.

The snack bar appreciates such gracious offers, Ma said, explaining that since beef noodles don鈥檛 cost much, and that there haven鈥檛 been many people who have come to order the free set meal, the restaurant can bear the cost on its own.

Many Internet users have applauded the diner for the heartwarming service, while some said they want to do something to help continue passing the kindness.

U.S. bullying acts draw strong opposition in Hong Kong

(Xinhua)10:38, December 10, 2020

HONG KONG, Dec. 9 (Xinhua) — People from various sectors in Hong Kong have voiced strong opposition to and condemned recent U.S. bullying acts aimed at messing up the situation in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) of China and damaging one country, two systems.

The U.S. government has imposed so-called sanctions against 14 vice chairs of the Standing Committee of the National Peoples Congress (NPC), Chinas top legislature, and the U.S. House of Representatives has passed the Hong Kong peoples freedom and choice act.

As every country has the fundamental responsibility of safeguarding national security, the NPC Standing Committee enacting the Law of the Peoples Republic of China on Safeguarding National Security in the HKSAR and making the decision on the qualification of HKSAR Legislative Council (LegCo) members are constitutional, reasonable and conducive to Hong Kongs stability and the implementation of one country, two systems, Vice Secretary-General of the Hong Kong Coalition Kennedy Wong Ying-ho said.

While the United States itself has long established a well-enforced legal system of safeguarding national security, as well as strict laws and regulations regarding the qualification and oath-taking for its Congress members, it has wantonly slandered Chinas rightful moves in a blatant show of double standards, said Willy Fu, vice chairman of the executive council of the Hong Kong Legal Exchange Foundation.

Instead of truly caring about Hong Kongs democracy and freedom development, the latest bill on Hong Kong passed by the U.S. House of Representatives is intended to cover up ill-intentioned politicians and rioters in Hong Kong, in a move to jeopardize Hong Kongs judicial independence and rule of law, Fu said.

The United States has repeatedly imposed so-called sanctions over Hong Kong since social disturbances last year.

While Hong Kong has been gradually restoring peace and order since the national security law took effect, the U.S. so-called sanctions were designed only to cause chaos in Hong Kong again and harm peoples well-being, Hon Chan Han-pan, a LegCo member, said.

With its bullying acts, which are doomed to fail, the United States has attempted to turn Hong Kong into its pawn to contain Chinas development, Wong Shu-yui, president of Hong Kong Chiu Chow Chamber of Commerce, said.

The U.S. bullying acts will not impact Hong Kongs economy as the local financial markets have been stable, Wong said, adding that Hong Kong still boasts advantages brought by one country, two systems and has a promising future.

The U.S. political tricks will not work to undermine Hong Kongs prosperity and stability, and Hong Kong residents will see through the hypocrisy of U.S. politicians, said Chan Yung, vice-chairperson of the Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong.

BRICS media leaders meet for post-COVID-19 exchanges, cooperation

(Xinhua)10:31, December 01, 2020

BEIJING, Nov. 30 (Xinhua) — The fifth presidium meeting of the BRICS Media Forum was held via video link Monday, with members pledging joint efforts to improve the forum mechanism and step up post-COVID-19 exchanges and cooperation among BRICS media.

In the fight against COVID-19, media organizations from BRICS countries have actively fulfilled their social responsibilities, chronicling BRICS joint fight against the pandemic and facilitating the mutual assistance and support between peoples of BRICS countries, said He Ping, executive chairman of the BRICS Media Forum.

Amid momentous changes never seen in the last hundred years, BRICS media outlets should grasp the trend of history and act as facilitators for peaceful development, said He, also president and editor-in-chief of Xinhua News Agency.

He urged BRICS media outlets to be aware of the general trend of global development and be narrators of the BRICS story, follow the evolution trends of media and be leaders in innovative development, and give full play to the advantages of BRICS collaboration and be pursuers of pragmatic cooperation.

Xinhua is willing to strengthen cooperation with media from other countries to provide spiritual impetus for defeating the pandemic, reviving the economy and building a community with a shared future, He added.

Jose Juan Sanchez, president of Brazils CMA Group; Sergey Kochetkov, first deputy editor-in-chief of Russias Rossiya Segodnya; Narasimhan Ram, director of The Hindu Publishing Group of India; and Iqbal Surve, executive chairman of Independent Media of South Africa, attended the event as co-chairpersons of the forum. In their speeches, they expressed the hope to further deepen the cooperation among BRICS media, to facilitate the development of the relations among BRICS countries and to help build a better world.

The year 2020 will be remembered by history books for the COVID-19 pandemic, Jose Juan Sanchez said in his speech, adding that BRICS media should strengthen information exchanges and experience sharing to contribute to building a better world after the pandemic.

Sergey Kochetkov said that even though the pandemic has impeded international exchanges, it also provided media with new growth opportunities and new paths for cooperation.

Narasimhan Ram said uncertainties will be a new kind of normal faced by media under the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, calling on BRICS media to give full play to their advantages in fact-checking and take active use of new technologies like artificial intelligence in the fight against disinformation.

Iqbal Surve said the exchanges and cooperation among media in BRICS countries have never been this important due to the pandemic, calling for joint efforts from BRICS media in the post-COVID future to overcome difficulties including poverty and inequality and promote fair distribution of vaccines after development.

The BRICS Media Forum was proposed by Xinhua News Agency and jointly initiated with mainstream media outlets from Brazil, Russia, India and South Africa, with the forum presidium as its top decision-making body.

U.S. firms optimistic about business prospects in China survey

(Xinhua)15:55, March 10, 2021

WASHINGTON, March 10 (Xinhua) — U.S. businesses in China are profoundly positive about doing business in 2021 and expect ties between Beijing and Washington to improve, a survey by the American Chamber of Commerce released Tuesday shows.

The survey, reported by Bloomberg, shows that as many as 81 percent of the 345 respondents see their industries in China growing in 2021. Half of the respondents said Chinas investment environment is improving, while only 12 percent believe it is deteriorating, the lowest since 2012.

Over 60 percent are confident the government will further open up its markets, according to the study.

Moreover, 45 percent see relations with the United States improving, registering a 15 percent increase from last year.

With China leading in economic recovery and the new U.S. administration in place, our members are cautiously optimistic regarding business growth in China, said the report.

Burger King apologizes for Women belong in the kitchen tweet on Intl Womens Day

(Xinhua)15:53, March 10, 2021

Screenshot of Burger Kings Twitter Page

WASHINGTON, March 9 (Xinhua) — U.S. fast food chain Burger King on Tuesday issued an apology for its tweet on International Womens Day that read: Women belong in the kitchen.

We hear you. We got our initial tweet wrong and were sorry, said the company.

Our aim was to draw attention to the fact that only 20% of professional chefs in UK kitchens are women and to help change that by awarding culinary scholarships. We will do better next time, the company tweeted.

The company said the tweet issued Monday was supposed to bring attention to its scholarship program aimed to help female Burger King employees pursue their culinary dreams. However, it had deleted the initial tweet due to abusive comments in the thread.

Burger King, headquartered in Miami-Dade County, in the southeastern U.S. state of Florida, was founded in 1953.

Interview Chinas strong economy provides more opportunities for Central Asian region, says expert

(Xinhua)09:49, March 11, 2021

TASHKENT, March 10 (Xinhua) — The strong and stable Chinese economy provides more opportunities for the Central Asian region amid the continued development of their trade and economic relations, an Uzbek expert said Wednesday.

Chinas achievements remain very attractive especially in the post-pandemic period when the Central Asian countries, including Uzbekistan, are taking measures to revive their economies, Anri Sharapov, a professor at the Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies, told Xinhua in an interview.

The driver of the expansion of Uzbekistans partnership with China is the trade, economic and investment spheres, said Sharapov. This is due to the fact that the strategic interests of Beijing and Tashkent at this stage completely coincide: Both sides are interested in preserving peace, stability and economic development in the region.

China has achieved tremendous economic success and its victory over absolute poverty 10 years ahead of schedule as set out in the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is the most exciting chapter in the countrys history, he noted.

All this speaks about the effectiveness of the policy of the Communist Party of China, which creatively developed the theory of Marxism and used it in a new historical era in relation to the specific conditions of China, the expert said.

Noting Chinas large economic base and the scale of its openness, Sharapov said he believed that China will provide exceptional opportunities for the economic development of the whole world.

Economic recovery in China will also boost its demand for imports of raw materials, oil and gas, and agricultural products from Central Asia that would allow countries like Uzbekistan to increase their export volumes, he added.

Also, Chinas stable economic development will help to increase its investments in Central Asias large strategic projects, Sharapov said.

The COVID-19 pandemic has shown Chinas success in science and technology development, and its new technological progress will provide substantial assistance to the Central Asian countries in their economic reforms, he concluded.

Chinas foreign trade to maintain strong growth momentum in 2021 analysts

(Peoples Daily Online)14:10, March 11, 2021

Chinas foreign trade will maintain its momentum of fast growth this year, analysts predicted.

The countrys imports and exports surged 32.2 percent year on year in the first two months of 2021, data from the General Administration of Customs showed on March 7. Notably, exports skyrocketed 50.1 percent year on year and in February alone, exports soared 139.5 percent from a year earlier.

Photo shows Nansha Terminal of Guangzhou Port in south Chinas Guangdong province. (Photo/Chinanews.com)

Chinas exports will be further boosted by the global economic rebound and robust demand from the overseas market.

Wang Tao, head of Asia Economic Research with UBS Investment Bank, said that the global economy is expected to rebound significantly this year as global COVID-19 cases look set to decrease sharply from the second quarter due to high vaccination coverage. This, he said, will help spur Chinas exports.

Zhong Zhengsheng, chief economist with Ping An Securities, also believed that Chinese exports would continue to expand this year thanks to the rising demand for Chinese products from overseas markets.

Zhong forecast that the consumer demand in the U.S., spurred by massive fiscal stimulus and increasing real estate investment in the country, would lead to a higher demand for Chinese products, giving a strong boost to Chinese exports in the next one or two quarters. Meanwhile, higher COVID-19 vaccination coverage in Europe is expected to fuel Chinas exports gradually in the next two or three quarters, Zhong added.

Chinas imports will be further facilitated by its accelerated economic recovery, which will help expand the countrys domestic market.

Last year, China was the only major economy in the world to show positive growth. Many economists believe that the Chinese economy may continue to outperform other countries this year and grow by more than 8 percent, and the robust economic recovery is expected to help expand imports.

According to the latest annual government work report, China will continue to provide policy support to beef up foreign trade growth. The country has rolled out a series of policies and measures to stabilize its foreign trade, including increasing credit supply to support small and medium-sized foreign trade enterprises and expanding the coverage of export credit insurance.

China to revise Anti-Monopoly Law

(Xinhua)15:21, March 08, 2021

BEIJING, March 8 (Xinhua) — Chinas top legislature will revise the Anti-Monopoly Law this year, according to a work report.

The annual work report of the National Peoples Congress (NPC) Standing Committee was submitted Monday to the ongoing fourth session of the 13th NPC for deliberation.

Major railway begins operations, forging new links through western China

(Xinhua)10:43, December 10, 2020

URUMQI, Dec. 9 (Xinhua) — A major railway line linking northwest Chinas Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and Qinghai Province was put into operation on Wednesday, paving the way for the accelerated development of the countrys western region.

The 1,206 km Golmud-Korla railway, linking the city of Golmud in Qinghai and the city of Korla in Xinjiang, is the third railway facilitating exchanges between Xinjiang and other regions.

Construction was divided into two sections, with the length of the Xinjiang section topping 734 km. The Qinghai section was operational in June this year.

The line, which can be used for passenger and cargo transport services, will cut the travel time between Golmud and Korla from about 26 hours to roughly 12 hours.

On Wednesday, a freight train carrying gasoline and diesel left Korla for Golmud. Trains are capable of hauling large loads and reducing transportation time. They are safer and more environment-friendly, said Cao Zhihong, deputy general manager of a Xinjiang-based company under Chinese oil and gas giant Sinopec.

Compared with previous railway transport, the distance the companys refined oil from Korla to Golmud travels can be reduced by 800 km and the freight charge cut by 25 percent thanks to the new line, Cao said.

The Golmud-Korla Railway crosses a variety of landscapes including deserts, plateaus and mountains as well as natural reserves, and boasts an altitude difference of more than 2,500 meters.

A raft of steps such as building passages for wildlife migration have been taken to minimize the impact on the local environment and animals.

The line has also avoided a major wildlife water source at the cost of extra investment.

The new rail artery also links to the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, the worlds highest rail system. The network will link Xinjiang, Qinghai and Tibet Autonomous Region, boosting local rail transport capacity, reducing travel time, and helping the regional economy in western China.

The Golmud-Korla Railway is a key national rail project. China issued a guideline in May to accelerate and upgrade the development of the countrys western region, covering an array of measures including improvement of transportation infrastructure.

Chinas railway network had a total length of 141,400 km by the end of July, including 36,000 km of high-speed railways, according to the national railway operator.