Wuhan lab scientists reject coronavirus leak allegation, urge intl cooperation

(Xinhua)17:22, August 12, 2020

WASHINGTON, Aug. 12 (Xinhua) — The currently raging coronavirus could not have been leaked from a lab, Chinese virologists told U.S. media Monday, calling for more international cooperation during the turbulent period disrupted by the pandemic.

I have repeatedly emphasized that it was on Dec. 30 that we got contact with the samples of SARS-like pneumonia or pneumonia of unknown cause sent from the hospital, Yuan Zhiming, director of Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory, told NBC News, the first Western media outlet that was invited to the institute since the COVID-19 outbreak in China.

We have not encountered the novel coronavirus before that … there is no way that it is leaked from the lab, Yuan stressed.

His remarks were seconded by Wang Yanyi, director of Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), who said in her interview with NBC News that the fact that none of the institutes scientists contracted the virus has made it extremely unlikely that the virus could have escaped from the lab.

The WIV, founded in the 1950s, is a renowned research organization that became Chinas first biosafety level 4 (BSL-4) laboratory. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the WIV has been the subject of multiple conspiracy theories that the virus was leaked from it.

However, it has been a consensus among the international academic community that the leak theory has no evidence and the virus has a natural origin.

Top U.S. infectious disease expert and health official Anthony Fauci has clarified that current scientific evidence shows it is highly unlikely that the virus was manmade.

If you look at the evolution of the virus in bats and whats out there now, (the scientific evidence) is very, very strongly leaning toward this could not have been artificially or deliberately manipulated, he noted in an interview published in May by National Geographic.

Peter Daszak, director of EcoHealth Alliance, a global non-profit network that develops solutions to preventing pandemics, also pointed out that there is absolutely zero evidence that it escaped from a lab.

The fact that they published the sequence (of the pathogen) so quickly suggests to me that they werent trying to cover up anything, he added.

In fact, despite the U.S. administrations repeated allegations that COVID-19 stemmed from a research lab or a wet market in Wuhan, it has failed to provide any proof to back up its claims.

According to NBC News, current and former U.S. intelligence officials said in April that spy agencies had ruled out that the coronavirus was manmade.

Facing a raging controversy of the leak theory, WIV director Wang said it is unfortunate that we have been targeted as a scapegoat for the origin of the virus.

Any person would inevitably feel very angry or misunderstood being subject to unwarranted or malicious accusations while carrying out research and related work in the fight against the virus, Wang said.

Despite being unfairly targeted, the Chinese experts called for more international cooperation amid the ravaging COVID-19 pandemic.

Wang noted that the institute will fully support the World Health Organization in its efforts to investigate in the origin of the pathogen, urging that politics not cloud investigations into how the virus spilled over into humans.

Yuan said the deterioration of U.S.-China relations will hurt scientific cooperation, which is vital to mitigating the outbreak.

We dont want to see the tension between China and the U.S., because it is not good for the scientific development. It is not good for the progress and stability of the world, he said.

We have learned a lot from the American scientists in terms of their scientific technology, spirit and relevant experience, he said. During this pandemic, I think we still need to believe in science, respect science and trust the scientists.

Israeli researchers develop AI route planning system for blind pedestrians

(Xinhua)09:13, August 13, 2020

Israeli researchers have developed an innovative mapping system for blind pedestrians, the Israel Institute of Technology (Technion) said on Wednesday.

This artificial intelligence (AI) system is designed to improve the lives of the blind in terms of mobility, accessibility and independence.

As part of the study, published in the journal Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, Technion researchers have developed software for calculating walking routes tailored to the needs of the blind for safe spatial orientation.

The software weights environmental and semantic data important for the blind, focusing on safe, accessible and easy-to-navigate routes.

The study included deep learning, observations, and interviews with orientation and mobility instructors, as well as with blind people.

This has led to a clear definition of spatial criteria, best expressing aspects of mobility, accessibility and safety, based on the routes geometric complexity, type, purpose, length and landmarks.

Additional features have been integrated into the system, providing accessibility to crosswalks and traffic lights.

The new system has been successfully tested in several locations, with blind volunteers saying that in most cases the route chosen by the system was more accessible and safer than the route calculated by commercial popular software.

VR projects at Venice Film Festival to be seen in cultural institutions across globe

(Xinhua)09:40, August 13, 2020

The works competing in the Virtual Reality (VR) section of the 77th Venice Intl Film Festival will be accessible to audiences in several countries around the world, the organizers announced on Wednesday.

Venice VR Expanded, as the section is called this year, will specifically include 44 visual projects submitted by authors of 24 different nationalities.

These projects will be available for viewing at cultural institutions in 10 other countries, including China, Russia, Switzerland, France, Spain, and Germany.

Such institutions were part of the Satellite Program network, and will allow their audience to enjoy the competing works online by providing the necessary technology at their locations, the organizers explained.

China Academy of Art-Sandbox Immersive Festival in eastern Zhejiang province will be among the institutions involved, along with Espace Centquatre-Paris Diversion in the French capital, Comedie de Geneve in Geneva, Design Center Flacon in Moscow, Institute of Art Culture in Barcelona, and INVR. SPACE (in partnership with VRBB) in Germanys capital Berlin.

Other cultural and art centers to become temporary venues of this years Venice VR will include Portland Art Museum and Northwest Film Center in the northwestern U.S. city of Portland, PHI Center in Canadas Montreal, and Nikolaj Kunsthal in Denmarks capital Copenhagen.

The virtual works would also be available for viewing in three other Italian venues (Mestre, Piacenza, and Modena).

The Venice VR section will take place online this year, with the 44 selected projects competing for three specific awards: namely, the Grand Jury Prize for Best VR Immersive Work, the Best VR Immersive User Experience, and the Best VR Immersive Story.

The 77th edition of the worlds oldest film festival runs from Sept. 2-12 under the leadership of Director Alberto Barbera.

The main competition will comprise 18 movies from countries including Azerbaijan, Belgium, France, Germany, India, Iran, Italy, Japan, Israel, Mexico, Russia, and the United States.

It will be the first international film festival to take place after the COVID-19 pandemic broke out at a global level.

A specific anti-COVID-19 safety protocol and some changes in the festival setting will be put in place to ensure the health safety of visitors and operators, organizers said in late July while announcing the line-up.

COVID-19 not significantly impacting Russian army defense minister

(Xinhua)09:52, July 01, 2020

MOSCOW, June 30 (Xinhua) — The COVID-19 pandemic is not significantly impacting Russias armed forces, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said during a conference call on Tuesday.

The preparation plan for the winter training period is almost completed. For the summer period, only a small part of the activities was postponed, Shoigu said, adding that the planned rearmament of the army and navy continued despite the pandemic.

Since the beginning of the year, 776 units of the latest weapons and vehicles have been delivered to troops, including 58 airplanes and helicopters, over 140 armored combat vehicles and 510 multi-purpose vehicles, Shoigu said, adding that the navy has received a strategic missile submarine and two support vessels.

The planned progressive development of the armed forces and a qualitative increase in the level of their condition will continue in the second half of the year, he said.

U.S. shut out in EU list of countries approved for entry

(Xinhua)09:54, July 01, 2020

BRUSSELS, June 30 (Xinhua) — The Council of the European Union (EU) on Tuesday adopted a recommendation to lift entry restrictions for residents of some third countries starting Wednesday, and the United States is noticeably shut out.

The council recommended the lifting of travel restrictions for residents of Algeria, Australia, Canada, Georgia, Japan, Montenegro, Morocco, New Zealand, Rwanda, Serbia, South Korea, Thailand, Tunisia, and Uruguay. Residents of Andorra, Monaco, San Marino, and the Vatican are to be considered as EU residents for the purpose of the recommendation.

The United States, a traditional ally of the EU and a significant source of tourism, is not on the list.

The external borders of the bloc have been closed since mid-March due to the coronavirus pandemic.

The council said the criteria to determine the group of countries for which current travel restrictions should be lifted cover, in particular, their epidemiological situations and containment measures. The list of safe third countries will be reviewed every two weeks.

The council also recommended that residents of China be allowed to travel to the EU, subject to confirmation of reciprocity.

While highly anticipated, the councils recommendations are not legally binding, since border control is still its member states competency, the council said.

The member states may, in full transparency, lift only progressively travel restrictions towards countries listed. A Member State should not decide to lift the travel restrictions for non-listed third countries before this has been decided in a coordinated manner, the council said.

U.S. image worsens in Europe amid pandemic, poll says

(Xinhua)16:42, July 01, 2020

BRUSSELS, July 1 (Xinhua) — A pan-European poll has found that the majority of respondents hold an increasingly negative view of the United States amid the coronavirus outbreak, U.S. media CNBC reported on Monday.

The survey, commissioned by the European Council on Foreign Relations, a pan-European think tank, interviewed 11,000 people from nine European countries from the last week of April this year to early May, reported CNBC.

Around two-thirds of respondents in Denmark, Portugal, France, Germany and Spain said the U.S. image has been damaged in their mind, while only 2 percent of people surveyed said the United States was helpful in the battle against the novel coronavirus, the poll showed.

Around 46 percent of the French people surveyed said their view of the United States has worsened a lot, while 42 percent of the German respondents said the U.S. reputation has been deteriorated a lot during the coronavirus outbreak, the poll said.

Worst is yet to come WHO chief advocates for solidarity to fight the coronavirus

(CGTN)16:55, July 01, 2020

Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus,the World Health Organizations (WHO) Director-General(Xinhua/File Photo)

The World Health Organizations (WHO) Director-General, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus warned on Monday that the COVID-19 pandemic is speeding up and the worst is yet to come.

Tedros also noted in his daily briefing that the lack of national unity and lack of global solidarity was actually helping the virus spread.

The WHO chief pointed out five priorities that every single country must focus on now to save lives. And the politicization of the pandemic is not one of them.

Some countries are now experiencing a resurgence of cases as they start to re-open their economies and societies. Most people remain susceptible. The virus still has a lot of room to move, he said. But the hard reality is: This is not even close to being over. Although many countries have made some progress, globally the pandemic is actually speeding up.

Please quarantine COVID politics, he said, adding that the virus has two dangerous combinations 鈥?one is its fast, its contagious and second is, its a killer. It can exploit divisions.

Your health is in your hands 鈥?That includes physical distancing, hand hygiene, covering coughs, staying home if you feel sick, wearing masks when appropriate, and only sharing information from reliable sources.

You may be in a low-risk category, but the choices you make could be the difference between life and death for someone else, he said.

Russian President Vladimir Putin also remarked that theres no reason to suspect that the coronavirus was introduced deliberately and that nothing good would come out of anyone insisting otherwise, during an interview with Rossiya 1 TV channel.

As the president explained, in their current predicament, countries should join forces instead of accusing one another.

We need to do everything that leads us to deliverance from this threat, Putin said, adding that thats where success awaits us rather than on the way of confrontation.

The second priority marked by Tedros is to improve surveillance to find cases, he added while repeatedly stressing on the importance of tracing and quarantining.

He added that if any country is saying contact tracing is difficult, it is a lame excuse.

The lame excuse is there are too many 鈥?Trust me there are not too many in war situations. If contact tracing helps you to win the fight, you do it even risking your life鈥?

The third priority should be to save lives. Early identification and clinical care saves lives. Providing oxygen and dexamethasone to people with severe and critical disease, saves lives, he said and advised countries to pay special attention to high-risk groups.

Fourth is to accelerate research, while fifth is political leadership.

He emphasized that global solidarity was crucial to the pandemic response and to implement a comprehensive strategy to suppress transmission.

Weve already learned a lot about this virus, but theres still a lot we dont know 鈥?and there are still tools we need, concluded the WHO chief.

Europeans view of U.S. has worsened after COVID-19 pandemic

(CGTN)17:04, July 01, 2020


A majority of Europeans are having an increasingly negative perception of the U.S. as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, according to a recent poll commissioned by the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR).

The pan-European survey was conducted by Datapraxis and YouGov in nine EU member states in the last week of April 2020, and into early May. The research was published on Monday by ECFR under the title European foreign and security policy.

The survey for 11,000 people revealed that respondents from almost all nine countries had a worsened view of the United States.

Participants in France and Germany, 46 percent and 42 percent respectively, said their view of the U.S. had worsened a lot as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.

Poland and Bulgaria were the only countries where the most people said there had been no change in their view of the United States.

It also shows that only two percent of Europeans surveyed expressed the view that the U.S. was a helpful ally in the fight against COVID-19.

Author of the research, Susi Dennison and Pawel Zerka, noted: The proportion of respondents who felt that the U.S. had been a key ally through the crisis was vanishingly small, with the largest proportion in Italy, at just six percent.

Meanwhile, 25 percent of respondents from Italy saw China as the most useful ally in the crisis, as China was seen sending ventilators, medical experts and personal protective equipment to Italy and some other European countries.

In a frightening world, one looks around for friends. But Europeans are uncertain who they can rely on. As a pan-European poll ECFR carried out in 2019 showed, Europeans preferred the idea of an EU that was strong enough not to be forced to choose sides in a conflict but, ultimately, would usually side with the United States over any other ally. Now, Europeans trust in Trumps America is gone.

On Tuesday, European Union approved to exclude the United States from its initial safe list of countries from which the bloc will allow non-essential travel from Wednesday.

The reports authors also said that many respondents were appalled by the U.S.s response to tackling the coronavirus crisis at a global level, although the White House has repeatedly denied that it has mishandled the pandemic.

Although, the coronavirus crisis had appeared to galvanize public support for the European Union to take more coordinated action to tackle global threats, as few respondents to the survey had a positive view of the EUs coronavirus response.

However, and when asked who has been your countrys greatest ally during the coronavirus crisis a majority of respondents from seven countries answered no one.

Europeans have digested the fact that the U.S. is no longer necessarily a friend for Europe in times of need. As Germany takes over the Presidency of the EU, next month, this important shift in public opinion towards the U.S. may push European governments to pursue a more independent line in the rebuilding of the international order after COVID-19.

China’s cultural consumption lights up the night economy

(Peoples Daily Online)09:09, August 24, 2020

As COVID-19 wanes in China, cinemas, bookstores, bars, sports centers and other public cultural spaces in various cities have been reopened, launching various activities. The glowing night economy lights up the cities evening sky again.

A musical performance at a scenic spot in Zhoushan city, Zhejiang province. (Photo/Xinhua)

During the epidemic, normal prevention and control measures, such as home quarantine, have curbed peoples offline consumption activities, whereas online shopping and online movie watching have become the normal life consumption.

According to statistics, retail sales of consumer goods in Beijing in the first six months of this year totaled 597.3 billion yuan (about $ 86.5 billion), down 16.3 percent year-on-year. As the epidemic wanes, residents restrained enthusiasm for consumption has begun to release, and the night economy has become an important engine to accelerate the recovery of consumption, stimulating urban vitality.

Cities across the country have launched projects such as scenic spot night tours and cultural night markets, which organically integrates local culture, themed landscapes, performing arts, entertainment, catering and other forms of business, highlighting the cultural elements of the night economy.

Citizens visit Qingming Bridge historical and cultural Street in Wuxi, Jiangsu province on Aug. 8, 2020. (Photo/Xinhua)

The economic forms at night are rich and diverse, and the urban space can be both lively and noisy, as well as quiet and indifferent. The late night study of Sanlian Taofen Bookstore is open 24 hours a day in Beijing; named Page One, the bookstore has become a cultural landmark of the city during the evening; 45 museums in Shanghai have opened night shows and 35 bookstores have held evening reading meetings , enriching the forms of the night economy while meeting the diversified spiritual needs of the people.

Culture is constantly integrated into the urban night economy, constituting its core element. The Night Tour to Jinjiang project in Chengdu of southwest Chinas Sichuan province integrates the local culture into the night economic form; ice and snow world in Harbin of northeast Chinas Heilongjiang province attracts tourists from all over the country with a variety of lights and shapes.

Beijing citizens watch a performance in Wangjing Commercial Street on Aug. 8, 2020. (Photo/Xinhua)

While the Grand Tang Dynasty Ever-bright City night excursion project in Xian, northwest China’s Shaanxi province is also favored by tourists, the Night Touring of Qinhuai project in Nanjing in east China’s Jiangsu province has become a name card for local night tourism.

Creative products give murals of ancient grottoes a modern spin

(Xinhua)16:48, September 14, 2020

LANZHOU, Sept. 14 (Xinhua) — Born and raised in Dunhuang, northwest Chinas Gansu Province, Yao Yanbei has long been immersed in the cultural heritage of the city.

Once an outpost on the ancient Silk Road, Dunhuang boasts exquisite Buddhist art dating back over 1,650 years. Its Mogao Grottoes, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, are home to more than 2,000 colored sculptures and 45,000 square meters of murals.

After graduating from a college in the eastern Chinese city of Xiamen, Yao returned to Dunhuang as a promising designer. She was determined to promote her hometown through her creative works.

In 2016, inspired by patterns in Dunhuang murals, Yao created a toy camel embellished with fiery red hair and patterns of honeysuckle on its hump.

Through the toy camel, I intended to convey the spirit of the locals who are usually tough-minded and hard-working, Yao said.

Tourists can take home artistic products like the camel replica as souvenirs after visiting the murals, she said. They help more people know about my hometown.

In August 2017, Yao spent nearly a month inside grottoes sketching the murals, in quest of inspiration from the Buddhist art.

Staying in the grottoes from dawn to dusk, I felt spiritually connected with the ancient artists who painted the murals. It was an amazing experience, she said.

Inspired by the sculptures and murals, Yao later designed an array of innovative products, including tote bags, T-shirts, bookmarks, pocket mirrors and key rings. They all emanate a modern vibe that appeals to the younger generation.

Thanks to the efforts of designers like Yao, the cultural and creative industry began to take root in Dunhuang. Starting from 2018, every year the city has held an international design week to help promote the budding industry.

By pooling the wisdom of designers from home and abroad, we want to make Dunhuangs creative products more fashionable and reflective of the latest trends, said Liu Mengxing, a vice general manager of a local company.

We hope more people can realize that the culture of Dunhuang not only thrives in a remote desert but can also spice up our daily life, Liu added.

Looking ahead at her career in design, Yao plans to explore Dunhuangs ancient art further and apply the wisdom of ancient artists into products of modern life.

I want to design more creative products that appeal to more international customers, said Yao. I hope my design can bring people closer to Dunhuang.